Monday, December 5, 2016

Skills Are Cheap Passion is Priceless

I want to get very real with you and share my life’s story. I am going to take you on the journey from the very beginning of my childhood on up to the point of where I am today. The reason I am sharing the raw and honest details of my life is so that you can understand that success is not determined by your past.
Behind every successful person out there is a story filled with devastation, determination, pivotal moments and raw emotions. No matter who you are, where you’ve been, what you’ve done, it is your passion. Skills are cheap, anyone can learn how to do something, but it is your passion that is simply priceless.

Devastating Things Happened in My Life

In my book, Skills Are Cheap, Passion is Priceless, I show you snippets of the devastation and tragedy that I dealt with as a child. I talk about my drug addict father, my amazing mother, my caring grandparents, and the dad that raised me.
Later on in the book, I share about my struggle with bulimia and self-esteem. For many years, I allowed the way I looked to dictate every choice I made.
I’m not the only one that had devastating things happen in my life. Brian shares about the death of his father and how that put him on the path he took in life. He talks about the way his dad lived in his final years, made a lasting impact on him.

I’ve Always Been Determined

For me, I always had to be the best. I would never allow myself to be less than the best. So I put a lot of pressure on myself. Many people fall into this rut. They either stay in the bottom because they feel as though they can never achieve, so they don’t try. Or they are at the very top, and you can never go any lower, you have to work super hard to stay at the top all of the time because anything less would be like losing.

My Pivotal Moment

You might have heard my story of how the pivotal moment I experienced in my corporate job. The day I decided that I would never put my children in daycare. From that moment on, I knew my why. I made a vow never to put my child in daycare, all I have to do is look into her eyes and my commitment to the WHY is stronger than ever. What is your WHY?

I Became an Online Marketer

Back when I started in online marketing, we didn’t have half of the resources that we have today. Social media wasn’t even a thing, blogs were just beginning, and people were just starting to tap into the power of internet sales.
I Googled how to work from home and found so many resources. It was then that I knew I had found the way to do what I set out to do. Although…I had a lot of learning to do.

Grab your copy of my book now- Skills Are Cheap Passion is Priceless.

Learning The Hard Way

As with anything that you put your focus to, good or bad, you start to see examples and signs of it everywhere. One call back list in particular caught my eye and I decided to leave my name and phone number on it to get more information.
I put in my email address and a woman called me to tell me about the business. She asked me why I wanted it, but she was a really poor prospector, I just wanted her to get to the point. There I was, my ego was so big that I didn’t even want to listen to her, I just wanted to bypass her and get to the information. When in reality I needed that woman so badly, I needed the movement that she made, I needed her energy, and that is exactly what people do in business, they want to skip over the important stuff, which is what I did.
If only I had known that mentors play such a huge role in success. It’s not enough to just read and learn. You need someone that is 4-5 steps ahead of you to help guide you.

Business Deals Gone Bad and Finding Mentors

Sure, Brian and I were super successful in our online ventures for a while. We were bringing in unbelievable amounts of money. But then…we lost it all. Since we hadn’t brought mentors into our lives, we made really poor business decisions.
The fallout from that choice wrecked us. We were hurt and struggling. This one interview with Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer radically changed our lives.
Here’s what they said-
No one can make you upset, depressed, hurt, anxious, or fearful without your consent. The worst things in life turn out to be the most important steps that you need to take, in order to get to the next place in your life. The highest place you can get to with this individual is to practice forgiveness, instead of revenge & anger”

My Mantra

Their words meant so much to me. From that day forward, I decided to change my mindset. I developed regained my confidence and developed a manta.
Every single day, I wake up with a mantra, and I talk to myself. I either look in the mirror, or I sit and say, “Rhonda, you are an incredible leader. You inspire people to do great things in their life. You show them that everything is possible. You help more families be free. You must show more families how to get to building a life that they love.” This is the essence of belief. When you have a mantra that you tell yourself, you are teaching your brain to believe in the life you want to create for yourself.

Remembering My Why Has Made Me Unstoppable

When I started my job and said I’ll never put my child in daycare, that I was going to live out this day, perfect day, every single day, that I was going to quit my job and replace my income, I wasn’t going back. There was no plan B. That was my vow and my commitment, and she, Hanalei, became my WHY. Everything I did fueled me to get me to that next step. Everything I did I did because she was my WHY and it was robust enough to keep me motivated and disciplined. I became Unstoppable!
When you wear the word unstoppable, you hold an armor that tells you that you can. It reminds you every day to be unstoppable. Being unstoppable needs a strong ‘WHY.’ Once you have worked out your WHY everything is possible.
If you want to hear more about Brian’s and my journey, snag a copy of my book, Skills Are Cheap, Passion is Priceless. I will take you through our life and share with you the practical tips you need to develop a successful business while you live out your perfect life. Read more

The Power of Masterminds and Partnerships

We had the most kick ass Unstoppable “Freedom-Preneur” Mastermind in Bali October 14-19. I LOVE doing these live events. The internet has given me the life of my dreams, but nothing can replace the human connection.
That is why we have chosen to align ourselves with other people that share our values and our interests. This is not only in those that we invite to join us at event, but it also includes the people we chose to partner with.
If you didn’t know, we take huge pride in our team. We want to make sure that those we partner with are uphold our same values. This allows us to provide you with top quality service and training.
Here are some of the people that worked our last Mastermind event.

Kim Barrett

We have just partnered with Kim Barrett from Your Social Voice marketing agency. If you have never met Kim Barrett you life and your business is missing out. He’s genuinely one of the kindest and most knowledgeable person I know when it comes to Facebook marketing. His company Your Social Voice runs marketing for Unstoppable FamilyGary Vaynerchuk, Reece Witherspoon …he’s kind of a big deal.
Kim was able to attend our Mastermind here in Bali to teach our attendees about social media. He also provides many done-for-you services with his company. Brian and I are so excited about this partnership. When join businesses happen, it allows both of our businesses to scale.

Mirza Nurman

Mirza Nurman is pure quality. He spent 10 hours shooting, if you are in bali and need a professional photographer he’s your guy! All of my high quality photos are from Mirza.

Samantha Essenhigh-Nicholson

Samantha Essenhigh-Nicholson CEO of Essenhigh Farrington Law Limited. One of the classiest ladies I’ve met. Lives in London and Spain. Her firm sets up the legal structures for all forms of businesses including freedompreneur’s.

Luke Lucky

Luke Lucky top stylist that turned our humid bali hair and faces into runway ready. You are one of a kind.

Dan Usher

If you have watched any of our films, you are watching Dan Ushers work. He is one of the most talented filmmakers I’ve ever seen.

Phil Wilson

PhiL Wilson can not only make you smile but get thousands of followers on Instagram. He taught our VIP’s strategies they can use now to build their following and leverage Instagram for business.

Victoria Murphy

I cannot say how grateful I am that Victoria Murphy came into our life! She is a freedompreneur and part of the backbone of making our events run so smoothly. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Not only did we have those amazing people helping us out, but we also had a great group of Freedom-Preneurs join us. In attendance was:

Starrwyn Tonkin

Starrwyn Tonkin mum of Barefoot Six has been a FreedomPreneur for over 8 years teaching and inspiring other family’s how to live free.

Roos Melchers

Roos Melchers founder of Homemade Home. She is committed to helping other families to create a home that they can feel comfortable in. What is so inspiring about her is the way she incorporates these tips and ideas into traveling. She has an uncanny ability to make herself at home wherever she goes.

Wayne McMurtrie

Wayne McMurtrie founder of The-Rogue-Adventurer inspires people through his love and dedication for running 100+ mile races, hang gliding and freedom-preneuring while he travels the world.

Mel Frye

Mel Frye is a creator by nature. She is passionate about spreading her message with others. She defines herself as a Wild Woman that dances with the tides of the moon. I say that is absolutely true.

Catheryn Wright

Catheryn Wright the founder of the Wright Property Group turns visions into victories for her clients. She’s a no B.S. Agent and her clients love her style!

Tom Moester

Tom Moester and Inge Hart Parents  of the Dutch Nomad Family believes in family values and building a legacy for his family. His family relocated to bali from the Netherlands to live a balanced life and inspire others to do the same. They own a beautiful villaVilla Bloom Bali – Lovina and serve organic, wholesome foods to provide the ultimate balanced experience.

Vladka Kadlec

Vladka Kadlec CEO of Find It. Hit It. Rock It has an incredible sense of know how and zest for life. This girl is a quiet powerhouse.

We Focus On Developing Your Brand

Attending Mastermind events are powerful for growing your business. When you get together with other like minded people, the energy that is created amongst you is contagious.
We have been hosting these events for years, because we see the huge value that comes from them.
Here’s what we focus on:
  • Deliverables
  • Authority Website or Blog
  • High Converting Sales Funnels
  • Funnel Hacking Training, Email Marketing
  • Professional Marketing Video’s
  • Photo shoot
  • Fame Banners
  • Developing Your Brand
During this 5 night, 6 day branding and business building journey, we weave in culture and mindset training. A healthy, open mind breeds creativity and success.
Our events are different, because we make it our mission to walk along side you and help you develop your brand. We want to give you actionable things that you can do from the moment you arrive to well after you leave.

Bali Mastermind Incorporates Culture

As part of incorporating culture into our Unstoppable Masterminds, we watch Balinese dancers on the first night. They tell beautiful stories through their interpretive dancing.
The second night we were together, we had a bonfire at the beach. We invited Shervin Boolarian to do a sound healing sessions with use. He took us through a journey of mindset and healing through sound and vibrations. This is the 2nd time we have invited Shervin to join our tribe. He is a true giver of peace and solidarity.
On the fourth night, we went to the Uluwatu temple to enjoy the sunset off the cliff. We ended the day with a Kecak Ceremony.

Join Us At The 2017 Events

The next Masterminds in first half of 2017 will be: 
Whister, B.C. Canada on January 12th-16th
Bali, Indonesia April 6-11th
These private Exclusive events are limited to 18 VIP’s. You are welcome to sign up for the event below and we will get back to you about your application.
From this event, you will walk away with a full branding photo shoot, professional branded video for marketing, a high converting sales funnels, website/blogs and all the branded graphics you need to be an authority in your niche.
Be ready to learn about:
  • Mindset
  • Branding
  • Funnel Building
  • Email Marketing
  • Facebook Marketing
  • Instagram Marketing

If you are serious about attending our next event, apply below! Read More..

Thursday, November 3, 2016

FREE Online Business Training Webinar

Are you sick and tired of grinding away at your 9-5 job?
If you want to learn exactly how you can leverage the internet to create a lifestyle by design join us live by registering above or below just click "GET STARTED NOW"

Friday, October 14, 2016

5 Continents….1 spot Remains

Would you be willing to travel 1/2 way around the world  to meet a group of strangers…….and possibly turn your dreams into reality?
What’s the Scoop?  ✈️   5 Continents….1 spot Remains
Video: Freedom-Preneur Hangout
Putting like-minded people together with mentors 
and experts willing to not only share, 
but teach their secrets to online success, 
is the catalyst to creating a life of your own design.

Now put all of these people in an amazing house
in beautiful Bali for 6 days and watch the magic happen.

Successful people in every walk of life attribute 
their successes to Mastermind events; they inspire, 
educate and offer that vital personal connection. 

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”, so for 6 days why not surround yourself with success stories…leaders…freedom-preneurs.

We already have an amazing group of people traveling from every corner of the globe because they are ready to stop wishing and start doing:

What’s the Scoop?  ✈️   5 Continents….1 spot Remains

Meet the attendees below…

Hanalei Swan debuts on the Bali Mastermind 2016

*  Starrwyn T. is our competition winner from Mauritius off the coast of Madagascar. Starr has been a part of the Tribe for 4 years and she loves to inspire other moms to live a life of purpose and abundance as Freedom-Preneurs.

*  Catheryn W. from Perth and is looking to taking her Real Estate business to the next level by acquiring the knowledge and Online Digital assets.

*  Mel F. from Melbourne just found the Unstoppable Family online under 2 weeks ago and she says that she knows when just something just Feels right.

*  Kim Barrett & his partner Liliana….both of Hustle Hat Co.  Kim is a Keynote Trainer for Facebook and the owner of “Your Social Voice” in Perth which he employees 30+ people from Australia and Asia.

*  Vladka K. is originally from Czech Republic, currently based in London…from her FB profile, “I’m a lover of LIFE, a fighter and a believer in humanity.”

*  Tom M. is originally from the Netherlands and now lives in Bali with his Dutch Nomad Family where they currently have 3 different business.

*  Roos M. also from the Netherlands is currently living in Bali after her family has spent 5 years working over in Jakarta.

*  Victoria M. from the UK…here’s a post she made today, “One year ago I saw the most amazing family on Facebook. They were traveling the world, inspiring people with their message of freedom and creating an amazing income online.

I wanted to know the secret to their success; how someone could choose such an unconventional path and not only survive but thrive. That family was the Unstoppable Family; Brian, Rhonda and Hanalei Swan! They inspired me to take a leap and live a life that I love every single day.

North America
* Valerie K. has been part of our Tribe for 10 years and has been to our events all over the World…this is the 1st time together here in Asia ðŸ™‚

*  Since we’ve been living in Bali, Indonesia for the past 15 months…I’m counting both Rhonda & I :

What’s the Scoop?  ✈️   5 Continents….1 spot Remains
♦️  Happy Sunday morning from Bali…

Rhonda & Brian Swan
of the “Unstoppable Family

P.S.S Fill out this application and we’ll have a 1 on 1 call together
to see if our Event is what you Need for your Business now.

Click Here >>> For more information

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Unstoppable "Freedom-Preneur" Mastermind Bali October 14 - 19th, 2016

Investing in a Mastermind is a Turning Point for 
You and Your Business

Investing in yourself is the difference between Dabbling and Committing.
You can spend time squandering your money on Half Measures or Investing Solidly in your business

What can Attending this Mastermind do for YOU?

A Mastermind is one of the most powerful tools ever used by successful people - whether the world's richest industrialists of the early 20th century or today's modern icons of business.
 It can focus its special energy on your effort - in the form of knowledge, resources, momentum and unconditional support.
Napoleon Hills Mastermind principle states "A mastermind alliance involves two or more people who work in perfect harmony for the attainment of a definite purpose "

We look forward to you becoming a part of this Mastermind 

Who is this Workshop for?
Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Online Marketers (... anyone struggling to get results in their online business). It's also particularly relevant for new entrants to the Internet or career and life changers ... people looking for a new beginning Online and participating in the digital economy.

Strategies & Tactics You'll Master

  • learn how to build YOUR Online Business... not someone else's.
  • why co-branding doesn't work. We focus on branding "YOU Inc"
  • why 'cookie cutter' solutions won't convert your traffic. We give you funnel hacking tactics & follow up to convert your leads into sales.
  • are you feeling over-sold and under fulfilled? We provide private coaching through ongoing continuity after the event.
  • the real truth about the traffic your being sold. How to generate your own leads, not buy over-priced re-cycled traffic that won't convert. 
  • learn about the No.1 traffic continuity program in the market today (earn money while you learn traffic to scale your business)
  • create multiple streams of income in your business (including high ticket back-end offer(s) if you need or even want one)
  • establish joint ventures whilst on-site at the event (collaboration Vs competition) - get access to various high-ticket offers, potentially without the initial upfront investment.
  • learn how to massively increase your ROI and lifetime Customer Value with multiple offers.

Many people online are being misled or are confused about what it takes to create an enduring brand and business online.

Let me ask you one simple question...

Is YOUR Business Built to Last?

Business Opportunities come and go (most fade in 3-5 years). The Internet however is not going away and it is now common place for anyone to start and grow a business online monetising a passion, a service, or a unique product they may have developed or idea they desire to commercialise.

Leverage & Multiple Streams of Income are the fundamentals for wealth creation and financial independence which can be achieved through an online business but only IF it's built correctly and built to last... and more important built around YOU.

If you want multiple streams of income your sales funnel can't tie you to one specific business opportunity or offer or any one company, product or service... otherwise you'll be forced to spend tens of thousands of dollars each time you want to promote something new... or diversify your market position.

Who are we?

Rhonda & Brian Swan, Freedom-Preneurs
Rhonda Swan ( aka Unstoppable Momma) is a “no fluff” speaker and trainer. She has been working on the internet for over 10 years, and has build multiple 7 figure brands online.

She is the CEO of "Your Brand Is My Business", The Freedom-Preneur Movement and is the Co-Producer for the television series BRAND IT.   Her events bring entrepreneurs from all over the world to build a legacy brand on social media, and tell their story without being salesy.

Brian Swan (aka Unstoppable Surfer) is an ex engineer turned online marketer. Brian has inspired the world to live their Perfect Day, everyday and teaches the fundamentals of how to get there.

Kim Barrett "Your Social Voice" 
Kim Barrett is a world renown Social Media Marketer, focussing on Facebook. He Is an International Best Selling Author, Speaker and Trainer, having taught marketing around the world and helping businesses grow to 6 and 7 figures.

Your Social Voice helps businesses get heard on social media, and most importantly, build engagement, generate more leads and more sales. Over 80% of businesses don’t know how to effectively market online, luckily that is where Your Social Voice comes in.

Drew Innes - "the Alliance", Co-Founder
Drew is a Professional full-time Online Marketer, Sales Trainer, Seminar Speaker and Business Coach (... he is also a verified 7 Figure Income Earner in Direct Sales).

Drew is a lifelong entrepreneur having built successful traditional businesses in Construction, Finance, IT and Online Marketing & Sales Training. Drew has been recognised by Business Review Weekly for creating the fastest growing ($50 million) privately owned construction company amongst one of his many business accolades.

Drew has literally helped thousands of new entrants to the Internet start and scale and Online Business and make their first dollar online.

The Freedom-Preneur Movement (Brian & Rhonda Swan) and the Alliance  (Drew Innes) are collaborating to produce this small intimate Workshop (limited to 15 people) and are here to help you, along with a diverse team of industry experts hand picked by them to train you at this beautiful resort on the paradise island of Bali.

Click Here >>> For more information

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Selling and Value What Do All Small Businesses Have in Common?

Selling and Value What Do All Small Businesses Have in Common?
According to the website Internet Retailer, there are upwards of 24 million businesses online, but only about 650,000 of them generate $1,000 or more annually. Not every small business in the world has a website or e-commerce functionality. The world of small business is much bigger than just what’s online. Regardless, the same strategies and principles apply to all small businesses, online or off.|The world of small business is much bigger than just what’s online. Regardless, the same strategies and principles apply to all small businesses, online or off.
Something Different
Warren Buffett is the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, which is the parent company of numerous insurance, energy, manufacturing, finance, real estate, publishing, and other businesses. A single share of Berkshire stock is currently valued at more than $200,000.
It’s a successful and well-diversified |a well-diversified and successful conglomerate. Yet, when Buffett purchased it in 1964, Berkshire Hathaway was a failing Massachusetts textile mill, known for making the linings for men’s suits. When Buffett purchased it in 1964, Berkshire Hathaway was a failing Massachusetts textile mill, known for making the linings for men’s suits. Buffett maintained that line of business for a few years before moving into other investments and eventually shutting down the textile operation.
Like Berkshire, there are many big companies around today that started out selling one kind of product or service but now do something different.
But there are small businesses too.
Away from Affiliate Marketing
There are many businesses primarily involved in showing people how to make money online. This involved teaching people how to generate traffic and the basic mechanics of getting leads and building a list. Many customers became business affiliates and marketed various products geared toward online success. Others used what they learned to market their own products.Some are just focused on “business education.”
By “business education,” I don’t mean training on how to run an internet marketing business. Rather, it means addressing the challenges that all small businesses– online or off– have in common: how to get more customers, how to increase productivity, or how to hire with confidence, just to name a few.
Final Thought
Small business owners are a much larger audience than affiliate/online marketers. We have the educational and training resources to help anyone start and grow their own business, as well as protect their assets. So, we haven’t quit the affiliate marketing business, but we’ve merely widened our gates to include all small businesses. We have shifted our focus toward education and training products that apply to and will benefit any business owner. Small business owners are a much larger audience than affiliate/online marketers.

What Are the Best Ways to Get Likes on a Brand’s New Facebook Page?

What Are the Best Ways to Get Likes on a Brand’s New Facebook Page?
The most effective ways of generating fans are:

1. Contests for Fans
Because many businesses struggle to capture quality fans, it’s difficult to recommend contests. It’s an easy trap to fall into, and it’s one that many businesses fall for and waste resources on.

If you’re using a contest to give away an iPad and your brand isn’t related to Apple, there is a good chance these people are only “liking” your page for the contest itself. If there is a direct link between your product and the prize, you have a better chance to capture not only a large quantity but also high-quality fans. You can run a variety of contests.

In sweepstakes, the winners are selected through a random draw. In a contest, on the other hand, the winners are selected either by a jury or audience voting or a combination of both, and the entries are evaluated according to the skill of the submission (e.g. a photo contest).

Why running sweepstakes on Facebook will drive fans?

Friend invites: Users can easily invite their friends to join the sweepstakes.<br />
News feeds and ticker: For every person entering the sweepstakes, more people will potentially see this action through their ticker or news feed.

User Generated Content (UGC) Contest
Entrants must submit their original work (e.g. photo, video, essay, recipe, t-shirt design, etc.) and will undergo a voting system via public, company-wide, or a combination of both, to determine the winner.

Why running an UGC on Facebook will drive fans?

News mini-feeds and feeds: Content is generated when people upload submissions or vote. Users’ video or photo submissions are embedded in their news feeds for more compelling and dynamic reach.
Comments: Public can comment on submissions posting of comments generate news feeds and notifications.
Share button: Users can easily share their favorite submissions with friends.
( Contest Ideas & Descriptions sourced from experience working with Wildfire Interactive).

2. Create a Great Product.
There are tons of small to medium-sized businesses who have generated tons of “likes” on Facebook simply by offering great products. People tend to become so passionate about brands and businesses that they search for them, and the businesses receive “likes” because of it.

3. Utilize Existing Channels.
One of the best ways to generate likes is to utilize your other channels and promote your Facebook page. Thus, it’s important to integrate your Facebook page with your website, blog and, if possible, your store.

4. Advertising Campaigns.
Optimizing online ads with clear calls-to-action and specific targeting is key. Facebook Advertising presents you with a great opportunity to connect with consumers of all walks of life. When developing Facebook Ads, however, it’s important to ensure that you’re targeting your advertisements towards the appropriate audience.

You can then develop an advertisement that will best serve your business’s objectives and goals once you have developed this customer profile. Once the demographics and psychographics are complete, you could upload captivating content that will capture the audience’s attention.

To ensure you’re targeting the right audience, I’d suggest you start by creating a customer profile that highlights not only the demographics but also the psychographics associated with your key audience.

There are different types of ads now available on Facebook, ranging from sponsored stories to simple ads. All of them can generate different results depending on (1) your business, and (2) what you’re looking to accomplish.

That said, if you’re looking to increase your number of likes, you’re most certainly going to run an ad that ties back to this desired approach. You should make sure that the users you target are not currently fans of your brand.
Take note: Generating Facebook fans is easy. Keeping them from leaving is tough.